Design better fields, reduce uncertainties and minimise risks


Services We Can Help You With !


We offer a full range of consulting services based on our extensive knowledge and experience in the oil and gas domains and using our own unique geoscience modelling software suite to produce both numerical and analytical solutions that clearly demonstrate the current and future behaviour of your fields. Our work develops a greater understanding of the underlying rock infrastructure and anticipated fluid flows to provide information to support decision making on all aspects of the development of the field. We are particularly adept at assisting with troubleshooting where losses have been experienced and in situations where field performance is not as expected.


For drilling we can lower risks and thereby reduce costs by providing the information to optimise trajectories and select drilling locations thus also avoiding failures based on a proven model of the reservoir behaviour. During production we can help to improve reservoir performance. We do this by predicting well integrity with time and therefore reducing completions failures. We also predict the integrity of the reservoir seal and if breakage is likely, we recommend changes to injection and depletion. Sometimes there are issues with sand production and this we can predict with an associated recommendation for adjustments in flow rates to minimise the effects.


We have developed the next generation of geoscience stress modelling for geomechanics using both analytical and numerical methods at seismic resolution. Our software is available in SLB's PETREL as a series of plug-ins that can be accessed from the Ocean Store. For non-PETREL users our software is available with visualisation and processing filters using PARAVIEW.


We can provide advice based on our expertise developed over many years in field development planning, oil and gas production, storage projects and geothermal projects. In addition, we can assist with developing the use of numerical modelling in-house, geomechanical knowledge and proprietary software assets.


We offer a full range of consulting services based on our extensive knowledge and experience in the oil and gas domains and using our own unique geoscience modelling software suite to produce both numerical and analytical solutions that clearly demonstrate the current and future behaviour of your fields. Our work develops a greater understanding of the underlying rock infrastructure and anticipated fluid flows to provide information to support decision making on all aspects of the development of the field.

We are particularly adept at assisting with troubleshooting where losses have been experienced and in situations where field performance is not as expected.


After building the first coupled reservoir simulator, the VISAGE system, Nick Koutsabeloulis is now leading the development of the next generation of reservoir geomechanics simulation tools for the oil industry. GEOMEX provides a range of software solutions and advisory services for oil and gas. Our advisory services in asset integrity help our clients to optimise their production, reduce operational costs, minimise risks associated with wellbore failures, and prevent early water breakthrough and casing instabilities.

Our advisory services in asset integrity help our clients to optimise their production, reduce operational costs, minimise risks associated with wellbore failures, and prevent early water breakthrough and casing instabilities.

We can provide advice based on our expertise developed over many years in for example field development planning, oil and gas production, storage projects, geothermal projects, the use of numerical modelling in-house, the development of geomechanical knowledge and the development of proprietary software assets.


Geoscience Stress Modelling


Establish 3D gridding and seismic model Use high resolution to improve modelling accuracy Our geostatistical modelling offers grid creation……

3D Mechanical and Strength Properties

Derive mechanical and strength properties from seismic and sonic data Use data analytics to match core testing and infer 3D values

3D Pore Pressure Prediction

Compute pre-production pore pressure distribution in 3D and the Biot’s Coefficient Use advanced pore pressure prediction to match drilling experiences and pressure measurements

3D Drilling Stress State

Compute a fast and high-resolution 3D stress state and drilling gradients Match existing well information and predict optimised future well designs in real time

Fault and Fractures Discretisation

Discretise fault and Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) surfaces Integrate faults and fractures in your modelling

3D Pre-Production Stress State

Compute effective critical and non-critical stress states in 3D prior to start of operations and calibrate against 3D analytical solutions using faults, fractures and unique boundary conditions Build awareness of critical and non-critical regions for drilling, reservoir performance optimisation

4D Asset Integrity

Using pressure and/or temperature changes with time, compute stress changes and caprock integrity Understand potential for seismicity, sand production, fault/fracture re-activation, reservoir seal integrity and porosity/permeability changes with time

Next Generation Tools

Geoscience Stress Modelling Suite

The Geoscience Stress Modeling Suite is the next generation of geomechanical tools designed to perform complex geomechanical studies in a simple way. It offers the following exclusive features:

Increased model resolution

Tested on model counting over 500 million of cells.

Dramatic decrease of the computation time

From several weeks with classic tools to only a few hours.

Improved 4D simulations

Considering the changes in temperature and pressure.

Ability to account for thousands of faults and millions of fractures

Hence increasing the reliability of the leakage predictions.

Ease of use

designed for non-experts.


The Artemis Analytical Stress Modelling Suite

The Artemis Analytical Stress Modeling Suite is based on ARTEMIS, a proprietary geoscience software developed by Geomex Group, which interprets seismic data to petrophysics, geomechanics, reservoir engineering and provides pore pressure and stresses magnitudes computations which can be used for:

ARTEMIS operates in both 1D and 3D and runs modeling in seismic resolution and beyond. Using seismic cubes, sonic data, core tests, pore pressure and stress measurements, high resolution models can be created and if necessary, co-kriging and kriging processes can be deployed to create appropriate models for all scientific disciplines.

ARTEMIS operates in parallel using computational technologies on simple laptops to multi-socket multi-core/thread servers and can produce solutions at high resolution (100+Million cells) in minutes for complex scenarios.

The ARTEMIS software captures the high resolution of sonic and seismic data and prepares structured numerical grids using 8-noded isoparametric elements for finite element solutions and fast linear and non-linear computations.

If you would like to learn more


Our Story

After building the first coupled reservoir simulator, the VISAGE system, Nick Koutsabeloulis is now leading the development of the next generation of reservoir geomechanics simulation tools for the oil and gas industry. GEOMEX provides a range of software solutions and advisory services for oil and gas. 

Our Vision

We believe that stress modelling and geomechanics should be incorporated into every oil and gas project. In this way we can make significant improvements to drilling, field development planning, and reservoir performance and avoid induced seismicity due to fault reactivation.

Asset integrity is an integrated study which should be initiated at the early stages of the asset's life. Several problems should be addressed integrating 3D modelling with sonic logs, testing acquisition and local experience. We anticipate that the use of 3D solutions for asset integrity will substantially reduce operational costs and minimise E&P risks. Our plan is therefore to continuously develop and utilise 3D technologies that are then deployed throughout the life of the field.

In the past undertaking this level of modelling has required high performance computing facilities and many weeks of processing.

For this reason, Geomex has developed advanced geoscience stress modelling software which is easily implemented, fast, runs on small inexpensive systems and can be applied to any project even in the absence of full data.

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Activities We Completed

We have completed a number of significant projects in oil and gas that have been delivered using our proprietary geoscience modelling software. in the Gulf of Mexico, in the United Arab Emirates, in Russia, in Iraq, in Bulgaria and in the Netherlands.


Fracture orientation predictions using non-linear mechanics

Mechanical and strength property interpretations using seismic and sonic data and core tests

1000+ fault surfaces and their discretisation using embedded discrete fault modelling (EDFM)

Compressive velocity distribution at the top of the reservoir using sonic data via geostatistics


Review's Of Clients

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Vero id posuere tempus aspernatur quaerat mollis voluptatum eveniet porro viverra libero habitasse porro.

John Smith



Vero id posuere tempus aspernatur quaerat mollis voluptatum eveniet porro viverra libero habitasse porro.

MIley Cyrus



Vero id posuere tempus aspernatur quaerat mollis voluptatum eveniet porro viverra libero habitasse porro.

Thomas Walter



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